Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Does $585,000 Buy You?

Question: What does $585,000 buy you? Answer: It bought Mitt Romney backers a smear job against Mike Huckabee orchestrated by Beltway Insiders. The Club for Growth has an affiliated 527 group, Club for, running anti-Mike Huckabee ads in early primary states. - At least $585,000 in contributions from Mitt Romney financial backers. - Club for Growth has spent $750,000 against Governor Huckabee in Iowa, South Carolina and Michigan. Here are donors that have donated both to Club for* and Mitt Romney: Name: John Childs**Contribution to Beltway Group $100,000 on 11/16/07 $100,000 on 12/31/07 Contribution to Mitt Romney $2,100 on 1/8/07 Name: Bob Perry Contribution to Beltway Group $200,000 on 12/12/07 Contribution to Mitt Romney $2,300 on 3/13/07 Name: Kristen Hertel Contribution to Beltway Group $25,000 on 12/21/07 $25,000 on 1/02/08 Contribution to Mitt Romney $1,000 on 2/6/07 Name: Muneer Satter Contribution to Beltway Group $25,000 on 12/21/07 $25,000 on 1/02/08 Contribution to Mitt Romney $2,300 on 2/6/07Name: Michael Valentine Contribution to Beltway Group $40,000 on 1/3/08 Contribution to Mitt Romney $2,300 on 4/4/07 Name: Travis Anderson Contribution to Beltway Group $25,000 on 12/19/07 Contribution to Mitt Romney$2,100 on 2/8/07 Name: Richard Gaby Contribution to Beltway Group$20,000 on 12/19/07 Contribution to Mitt Romney$1,000 on 2/12/07 * Only represents donors that contributed more than $20,000 to Club for in 2007/2008. ** "Boston investor John Childs, who donated $2,100 to Romney in 2007, recently gave 100,000 to the Club for Growth." [Morain, Dan. "Huckabee foes open their wallets for attack ads," The Los Angeles Times. 1 January 2008.] *** All contributor information obtained from Federal Election Commission's electronic database at Paid for by Huckabee for President, Inc.

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TexasGal said...

If you are wondering why Huckabee can't get news coverage in spite of doing so well in every debate, read on...

Romney Media Control

Fox News is responsible for information programming on more than 100 Clear Channel news and talk stations.
Clear Channel is owned by Bain Capital Partners and Thomas Lee Partners plus other minors.
Clear Channel has Sean Hannity under contract until 2010. Clear Channel also has Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck under contract.
Bain Capital was started by Romney in 1984. He sold his majority stake in Bain to run for Governor in 2001.
Commonwealth PAC was set up by Romney Advisers. A Boston Globe analysis found that executives from a handful of Massachusetts-based corporations, including Bain Capital, Fidelity Investments, etc, form the base of the Romney operation.

Mitt Romney=>Bain Capital=>Clear Channel=>Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, FOX News,2933,298999,00.html

AlabamaforHuckabee2008 said...

Kansas-Big Win for Gov. Huckabee!!

We can do It.

1) McCain can be prevented from winning 1191 delegates.
According to RealClearPolitics McCain has 720 delegates & still needs
471 to win.
That means he has to get 44% of the remaining delegates to secure 1191.

2) So Huckabee needs to win 57% of the remaining delegates to force this
to a Brokered Convention.

3) On Super Tuesday McCain got 42% of the vote in Blue States and only
26% in Red States. Over 60% of McCain’s delegates have come from Blue
States. Do we really want our candidate picked by States that we have
very little chance of winning in the Fall?

4) Remaining delegates: Red States = 711 [ 70.5% ], Blue States = 297
[29.5% ]

RED States Left:
47 Louisiana
39 Kansas **** Huckabee the winner by 62% ********
63 Virginia
140 Texas
88 Ohio
39 Mississippi
69 North Carolina
57 Indiana
33 Nebraska
45 Kentucky
32 Idaho
32 New Mexico
27 South Dakota

5) Every time Republicans have gone to a Brokered Convention we have won!
Abraham Lincoln – 3rd Ballot - Won Presidency
Rutherford Hayes – 7th Ballot - Won Presidency
James Garfield - 36th Ballot - Won Presidency
Warning Harding – 10th Ballot – Won Presidency

6) Conservatives Unite! There is still time! Win the Red States and we
go to the convention for a discussion about what it means to be a

Hope this brings encouragement and hope. It is not over!
Please forward this email and Try and Give at least $5.00 to the Huck
Just $5.00 can make a big impact please give more if you can.
Go Mike!

The 83.3% charade by Karl Rove and FoxNews is to try and keep Huckabee down. Undecideds or Paul can win delegates like may be happening in Washington. I remember a comment from an associate a few years back when a quote was attributed to Rove in a court race by my friend as follows "we have to keep those evangelicals on a leash." I've never forgot it.

Let's just work and pray it through Virginia and Md. It's one race, one step at a time. Make calls for Huck, give money, and pray. Show Rove, FoxNews, and all the others we will not stand for a coronation.

11 Smiths for Huckabee said...

I thought you might be interested in our new Texas video. You can view it here: