Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bill Clinton, Gingrich agree on Huckabee as GOP dark horse

By Klaus Marre
September 30, 2007

Former President Bill Clinton and his one-time adversary former House Speaker Newt Gingrich have found something to agree on. They both said Sunday that they view Mike Huckabee as the most likely Republican dark horse candidate for the GOP nomination.

“I think Huckabee is very effective, and if Huckabee can find money, he will be dramatically competitive almost overnight,” Gingrich said. “He’s probably the best performer in terms of giving speeches and being appealing…”

Gingrich, who announced Saturday that he would not seek the presidency in 2008, heaped more praise on Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas.

“I mean, there’s something about him that is just - you just have to like Mike,” Gingrich said on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” adding that Huckabee would become “instantly competitive” if given the funds to succeed.

Bill Clinton, who also appeared on the show, said Huckabee is the only GOP “dark horse that’s got any kind of chance.”

Gingrich, who said that there is an 80 percent chance that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) would be the next president, said that her Republican opponent would only be able to beat her on the issues and not by attacking her.

“I think trying to beat Senator Clinton personally is just insane,” the former speaker said. “Everybody in America who’s ever going to vote against Senator Clinton knows everything that anyone’s going to tell them. And everybody in America who’s going to vote for her knows everything you could possible tell them. This is over.”

Bill Clinton defended his wife, saying that she can bring the country together. He repeated his claim that voters will like Sen. Clinton if they are given a chance to get to know her.

The former president also handicapped the GOP race, saying that the outcome depends on whether former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani can hold on to his lead once other candidates begin attacking him.

Clinton also said that “you can’t rule out is John McCain making a comeback with no money.”

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Huckabee's criticism of Bush could make him a maverick

WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee criticized the Bush administration's war against terrorism Friday, delivering a bold and potentially risky speech that could establish the former Arkansas governor as the maverick among top Republican candidates and test his party's loyalty to President Bush.

"This administration's bunker mentality has been counterproductive both at home and abroad," Huckabee said in opening a broad indictment of Bush's style and policy.

The speech came after several top GOP candidates started distancing themselves from Bush, vowing change on such issues as illegal immigration and federal spending even as they endorsed Bush's foreign policy.

'By going much further than his rivals have in attacking Bush, Huckabee could draw attention to a campaign that's inched up in polls in recent months but still lacks the money and organization to compete head-on with better-known, better-financed candidates such as Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson.

In first-to-vote Iowa, for example, an average of four recent polls put Huckabee fourth among Republican candidates with 10.3 percent, ahead of John McCain and within five points of Giuliani and Thompson, but far behind front-runner Romney, according to

His strong stand also could give him the kind of maverick image that McCain pursued in 2000, which appeals to independent voters in states such as New Hampshire, where they can vote in the Republican primary.

But it also could turn off the majority of Republicans who still like Bush.
"He's trying to carve out a responsible alternative to the administration's foreign policy," said Dennis Goldford, a political scientist at Drake University in Iowa. "But I don't know that it will do him any good in the Republican Party. While there is a lot of grumbling in the Republican Party about Bush, they're still pretty loyal."

Huckabee endorsed Bush's surge of troops into Iraq, urging more time for it to work and criticizing Democratic proposals to get troops out as an invitation to chaos.
But beyond that, he differed with Bush across the map. He accused the administration of shunning allies and turning world sentiment against the United States.

"They've done a poor job of communicating and consulting countries, much as they have, frankly, the American people," Huckabee told about 150 people at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a center-right think tank in Washington.

On Iran, he said Bush blew a chance to improve relations right after the 2001 terrorist attacks and that the United States should be talking to Iran today.

"When we first invaded Afghanistan, Iran helped, especially in dealings with their ally, the Northern Alliance," he said. "They wanted to join us in fighting al-Qaida. ... The CIA and State Department supported a partnership. Some in the White House and beyond did not. And when President Bush included Iran in the axis of evil, everything went downhill pretty fast."

Huckabee gains in Iowa passing McCain

by Team Huckabee

Taken from our friends at
Huckabee has passed McCain and is within the MoE of Rudy and Thompson, it won’t be long and he will be ahead of both of them and ready to take the overall lead.

Newsweek GOP Iowa Caucus

Mitt Romney 24%
Fred Thompson 16%
Rudy Giuliani 13%
Mike Huckabee 12%
John McCain 9%
Ron Paul 5%
Undecided 15%

Second Choice

Rudy Giuliani 21%
Mitt Romney 21%
Fred Thompson 10%
John McCain 4%
Mike Huckabee 2%
Ron Paul 2%
Undecided 15%

Survey of likely Republican caucus-goers was conducted September 26-27. The margin of error is +/- 9 percentage points.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

All-American Presidential Forums on PBS

Rebulican Forum
Thursday Sept. 27, 2007
8:00-9:30 pm Central
Watch On PBS or Online at

Please tune in and watch Gov. Huckabee discuss the issues that Americans want to hear about. I want to hear about how someone is going to change our Country for the better. I want to hear about Vertical Politics, not about how much money they were able to raise!

Michael Steele Lambasts "Front-Runners" for Ducking Thursday's Debate

From K Street Mole for Huckabee:
This is a great article about how The so called Top 4 Candiates do not want to face Huckabee in a debate. Can you really blame them!

Michael Steele, former Lt. Governor of the People's Republic of Maryland, Republican with the best-run Senate campaign, best TV ads, and least deserving to lose in 2006, and now Chairman of GOPAC, expressed extreme frustration with the GOP "front-runners" for backing out of the Morgan State University debates coming up this Thursday.

"I spent months working to set this up, and the candidates have known about it since March," he said, in response to a question about how to attract more minority voters to the Republican party at a small fundraising reception in Northern Virginia this evening. "People ask me to connect them with minority voters, and I set them up, but it doesn't work if every time they turn around, the candidate's not there."

"This is a shame, because the Republicans have much to be proud of. This week is the 50 year anniversary of the integration of Central High School in Arkansas, under a Republican President, Dwight Eisenhower. And the Republican Party is the original party of African Americans."

"Republicans can't afford to ignore minorities. George Bush wouldn't be President if it weren't for getting 16% of the black vote in Ohio in 2004. That was up from just 6% or something like that in the previous election. It really makes a difference, and we can't afford to write off the minority voters.

Attendees at the fundraiser were shocked and dismayed to learn about the "front-runners" skipping this debate. They asked who was participating. When Huckabee's name came up, Steele noted, "he won 45% of the black vote in his last election as Governor." A Virginia legislator interjected "he's a good man."

Okay then, people, if you're willing to pony up $250 or more in support of local elections to see Michael Steele, and you're disgusted by the behavior of the current GOP Presidential "front-runners," let's put the same kind of money up for the one man who can score a landslide against Hillary Clinton by capturing nearly half the minority vote, in addition to earning the support of solid conservatives and middle class workers of all races!

(Jim Geraghty over at NRO's Campaign Spot keeps positing excuses for this self-destructive behavior. I think the real reason the "front-runners" have skipped the last two debates is because every time they show up for a debate, Huckabee wipes the floor with them. If they don't show, most people don't watch, so Huckabee gets noticed less, and they get shown up less. If they keep debating Huckabee, he has everything to gain and they have everything to lose, so they simply duck and focus on their precious fundraisers.)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Gov. Huckabee's response to a Fair Tax question.

Here is my question about the Fair Tax. I am 60 years old and have a long work history. I have saved for my retirement and most of my savings has not been tax deferred. Would the Fair Tax cause me to be taxed again on this money as I deplete my savings in retirement?

First James, thanks for the question. All Americans will benefit from the Fair Tax, whether working or retired; single, married, or widowed; rich, poor, or middle class.

Under the Fair Tax, any growth of stocks and bonds in your retirement accounts or interest accumulation in your savings accounts will no longer be subject to federal taxes.You will collect all of your pension because the Fair Tax eliminates current federal taxes that are withheld when a pension is drawn.

Under our current tax system, you will be taxed again on your money as you deplete your savings because the truth is that up to 25% of retail prices are corporate and payroll taxes, plus compliance costs. Businesses pass on their taxes to consumers. The Fair Tax eliminates all these taxes and lets competition drive retail prices down.

Also, the Fair Tax gives everyone a prebate up to the poverty level, so that you can buy necessities untaxed. Most retirees don't spend more than this amount every month. The combination of lower prices and the prebate means most retirees will pay less in federal taxes when they spend retirement savings than they do under our current system.

The Fair Tax will secure Medicare and Social Security funding and protect your benefits.

By switching from a narrow, regressive, and inconsistent tax to a broad, progressive, and dependable tax on consumption, the Fair Tax will ensure that we have the funding for the benefits current and future retirees have earned. Finally, the Fair Tax eliminates capital gains, dividends, and death taxes, so that you won’t pay taxes on interest from your savings and investments, or when you sell your home, stocks or other assets. Without the death tax, your heirs will receive every penny you leave them.

For more on the Fair Tax I encourage you to watch the video I have added below.

Gov. Huckabee on the Fair Tax

Pastors and Pews

Our Faith Makes Us

by Mike Huckabee

Recently, out on the campaign trail, a voter asked if my personal faith informed my decisions. My answer was simple, just as it always has been: my faith is my life - it defines me. My faith doesn't influence my decisions, it drives them.

Real faith makes us humble and mindful, not of the faults of others, but of our own. Because of our faith, we become less judgmental in that we see others having the same frailties as ourselves. Faith gives us strength in the face of injustice and motivates us to do our best for "the least of us.

"Our forefathers birthed this great nation in a spirit of faith - not a mandate telling us what to believe, but an acknowledgement that divine providence pervades our world.

I firmly believe the greatness of our nation then, does not come from our government or politicians, but lies in the hopeful, optimistic spirit of everyday Americans. Americans who acknowledge that providence has set us apart.

At the beginning of our nation we were ill-equipped for revolution, yet we persevered and gained our independence. Our country was once divided by a costly Civil War, but we survived to heal and build a stronger union. Through the 20th century and into current times we have seen great conflicts and economic upheavals. However, the same spirit that guided the inception of our country continues to lead us out of times of trouble better than we went in. In spite of our trials we remain a people of hope, a people of faith, and we are stronger because of it.

In July, I addressed this same topic in a sermon in Little Rock. The video from my sermon is below.

Rights and Responsibilities

29 Things You Don't Know About Mike Huckabee

1. He narrated the Doctor Suess book, Horton Hatches An Egg in a high school play.

2. He's a big fan of The Three Stooges.

3. He's a great cook.

4. He rides his bicycle to the grocery store.

5. He likes Yarnell's guilt free ice cream.

6. He likes to snorkle.

7. He likes the The Colbert Report.

8. His favorite actor is Robert De Niro.

9. His favorite actress is Meryl Streep.

10. He reads a chapter of Proverbs every single day when he wakes up.

11. He is not fond of heights.

12. He's like a kid at Christmas because he wants to open Christmas gifts early just so he can see what he got.

13. He organizes his socks, and everything else.

14. He prepares his own breakfast the night before to save time in the morning because getting up no later than 4:30 might not be enough time.

15. He talks to "the Boys" (his three dogs) and thinks they are listening.

16. He graduated from College magna cum laude with a 4 year degree in just over 2 years. 17. His Dad picked him up from school once in a car that had no body, just a frame and wooden boxes for seats.

18. He does great impressions of Billy Graham, Jimmy Stewart, Ronald Reagan, and Ross Perot.

19. He was left handed but was made to write with his right hand in elementary school.

20. He wanted to be an astronaut in first grade.

21. He was a pretty shy kid.

22. He can't sit still. If there is ever a free minute he feels the need to get up and immediately start on a new project, for instance the minute a meal is over he has to get up and start putting things away and doing dishes.

23. One of his favorite television shows is The Sopranos.

24. His favorite snack food is movie style popcorn. And he likes it so much his wife Janet bought him a popcorn machine for christmas.

25. He gave Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones a pardon when he was Governor.

26. He loves to play practical jokes.

27. His favorite movies are To Kill a Mockingbird and Casablanca.

28. His favorite church hymns are A Mighty Fortress is our God and In the Garden.

29. One of his dreams is to watch a game in every Major League baseball park.

Vertical Day Is Here

by Mike Huckabee

Send to a friend Vertical Day is here and I want you to be a part of it.

Our Vertical Day page can be found here.

I encourage you to first watch the introductory video to learn more about Vertical Day. After you watch the video, you can become an important part of Vertical Day by submitting your email address and asking your friends, family members and co-workers to visit our Vertical Day page.

We are adding new content to this section every hour until Tuesday 10 AM CT! I am excited to tell you we will have a great mix of video and blog posts for you to view.

As I said in my blog post on Saturday, everywhere I go on the campaign trail, I meet voters with a real thirst for a healthy discussion of the issues. Ultimately, people don't care whether an issue comes from the left or the right. What they want to talk about are ideas that lift America up and make us better. It's what I call "Vertical Politics" and it is why we felt it was so important to set a "Vertical Day" aside to focus on the issues.

One of the goals of Vertical Day, is to give you the ability to promote our campaign and my positions on the issues within your extended network of friends, family members and co-workers.

Because your participating is so important, we put together an incentive package that I hope will be fun and also create buzz and excitement. A chance to attend the Republican Presidential YouTube debate in November, signed copies of my book, campaign t-shirts and bumper stickers and much more. I've even heard a rumor that there is a list put together by my family of "some things you probably didn't know" about me!

Get started now by watching the introductory video.

The main focus of Vertical Day is a discussion of the most important issues facing America. That's why besides the video and blog posts you will see, I am conducting an exciting video web conference call, media interviews and I am even speaking to students at my alma mater. Because, the plan throughout the day, is to promote my positions on these issues through video and personal blogs, and to engage in an online and sometimes offline conversation with voters about our ideas, the solutions we see possible, our hopes for America and the challenges we face.

Since our exciting second place finish in the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll hundreds of thousands of voters have visited our campaign website eager to learn more about our campaign. Let's create that same level of excitement today.

After you watch our video and submit your email address, I urge you to activate your unique link in the email your receive and then contact your friends, family members and co-workers and encourage them to visit our campaign website (using your unique link!). Not only will they be learning where I stand on the issues, they will also be helping you earn fun rewards. Including a chance to receive special invitations to be my personal guests to the YouTube Debate on November 28 in St. Petersburg, FL.

Get started!

With your help, and the power of the Internet, we will be able to involve thousands possibly tens of thousands of voters all across America and truly build excitement around this discussion of issues.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Countdown To Vertical Day Has Begun

by: Mike Huckabee

Governor Huckabee explains Vertical Day:Everywhere I go on the campaign trail, I meet voters with a real thirst for a healthy discussion of the issues. Ultimately, people don't care whether an issue comes from the left or the right. What they want to talk about are ideas that lift America up and make us better. It's what I call "Vertical Politics."

On Monday, our campaign has set aside 24 hours, for what we are calling a "Vertical Day". The focus of Vertical Day will be a discussion of the most important issues facing America. The plan is to promote my positions on these issues through video and personal blogs, and to have an online conversation with voters about our ideas, the solutions we see possible, our hopes for America and the challenges we face.

I'd like you to be a part of Vertical Day. I encourage you to tell your friends, family members and co-workers about it and ask them to participate. Vertical Day will start on Monday, September 24 and end on Tuesday, Sept. 25. I'm excited about this opportunity. With your help, and the power of the Internet, we will be able to involve thousands of voters all across America and truly build excitement around this discussion of issues.To encourage you to make the time to be a part of Vertical Day, my campaign team has put together an incentive package that I hope will be fun and also create buzz and excitement. First, we've created a special Vertical Day page on our website, where you can view the 24 hours of online content we have pulled together.

We also have created a very simple online tool that will give you the ability to promote Vertical Day to your friends, family members and co-workers. We've developed a package of rewards based upon the number of people you are able to get to visit the website.

I will have more details for you soon. In the meantime, please mark Monday, Sept. 24 down on your calendars.